Old Movie Weekend

There seem to be a lot of the same movies on all the time, and usually I just blow right by them. But this past weekend I found myself clicking on a few of them, and *poof* I was instantly reminded how great they are.

I guess I forgot about the genius of Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. So funny! Even when I knew the next line that was coming, it still made me laugh. Come on, you know what the password is…New England Clam Chowder.

Then there is The Fugitive, another movie that seems to be on weekly, if not more. Again I found myself sucked into the movie. There are certain movies, or parts of the movie, where you can remember exactly what you were doing, who you were with, or what was happening. It made me feel old to think that The Fugitive first came out in 1993, but there is a part in the fugitive, it’s only about 2 seconds long but it makes me laugh no matter what. The scene is part of the St. Patrick’s Day parade in Chicago, there is a person in a leprechaun costume and he does this little head turn and shake, and to 99.9% of the people it’s not funny. But I’m instantly transported back to ’93, Senior Year in high school, and can remember my friend Bryan imitating the move, and the laughter that ensued. So I guess it’s not really the scene in the movie, but the reenactment from Bryan this is really funny.

And another Jim Carrey classic, Liar, Liar, was on late Sunday. Too funny! Plus, you get the added joy of hearing Carrey yell out “I’m Jose Canseco! I’m Jose Canseco!”

I guess this is a way of saying, I’m probably going to be stopping on some of those old classics a little more often. Which I guess is good for the rating of TNT and USA
