The Most Boring Super Bowl Ever, but Better Because of Gambling

They say the worst day at Disneyland is better then the best day at work. So, let me put my Super Bowl thoughts this way.

The most boring Super Bowl in history is still better then the best episode of nearly every other show. But this Super Bowl was a stinker and tested that statement.

13-3 Patriots win. So Patriots winning was bad. The lack of offense was bad. The lack of any big plays was bad.

You know what wasn't bad? The gambling that was going on during the Super Bowl party. $1 on the coin toss. $1 on what the first commercial was going to be. $1 on who'd catch a pass first Gronk or Cooks.

Even halftime bets.

Enough to keep everyone busy regardless of how lackluster the game was.

Betting boards are ready for action

The ladies getting in on the action
Cesar looks like he's betting on the halftime show

Betting boards are good to go!
