The baseball games got underway, early! Throughout the years of Ellie's softball and Lukas' baseball we've had the 8:00 a.m. plenty of times. So first game of the day is nothing new. However, never had I experience the 8:00 a.m. game followed by a 12 hour break, and then playing the 9:30 p.m. game. That was different. But that's what the schedule was for the boys on day one. 8:00 a.m. and 9:30 p.m.
For all the athletic events that the kids do I always have the same thought pattern. In the days leading up to the event I'm thinking about them winning it all, about my kid hitting the game winning HR, or the diving catch. As the event gets closer, I lower those thought to I hope they do really well, top 5 in the standings, or lead the team in a statistical category. The day before it's dropped further. I just hope the win a few games, get some hits, help the team. Then usually the night before or the day of I'm thinking, I just hope we don't get lose every game. I hope my kid just gets one hit. That's all I want is one hit.
Living Legends brought two teams to the Cooperstown Tournament. So after watching Lukas' team I watched the other team. Then I had to go back to take a quick power nap. Then it was back to watch the other teams 2nd game and finally our 2nd game, the 9:30 one. I must say, despite the extremely long day the setting was pretty cool. Starting a game under the lights, playing late, it was a fun experience. The boys played really well. Led much of the game before falling by 1 run. But they had a chance in the last inning with a runner on to try and tie the game, but it wasn't to be.
I had no idea what to expect. How the competition was going to be. How the boys would react to having their body clocks on 5:00 a.m. California time. No clue. But the boys came out and did well. Lukas got an RBI single so the positive check boxes were happening.

And this time was no different. So the fact that the team won big and Lukas got and RBI single was perfect. The event was already exceeding my expectations!
So they ended the day 1-1. Lukas got playing time at 1st base, he had a handful of at bats, put the ball in play each time, at the hit, a few other RBIs, and a couple walks. Overall, a really great day of baseball.
But, the bad thing, it wasn't going to be a long night. The next game was about 12 hours later. That 2nd game ended just before midnight and the boys had a game near noon the next day. So back to the bunks, shower and bed.
Onto Day 2.
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